Create a Level Map

To access this screen:

  • Activate the Map ribbon and select New. Choose a Map type with a level map configuration.

  • Using the Project Data control bar, expand the Map Directory folder. Right-click the Maps folder and select Add Map. Choose a Map type with a level map configuration.

Add a new level map to the current database. A map is comprised of one or more faces oriented around a cube of specified dimensions.

Opening the screen will fill out the Map name automatically if your System Configuration File contains a naming convention, otherwise, it will be blank and a name must be entered.

If no types are defined in the external file (or no configuration file is specified), the list shows "<none>". Selecting none assumes a face map is being designed, and you will be able to select one or more faces to include using the Map faces options.

Note: change the existing map to be a different map type using Home ribbon >> Current Map >> Change Type. See Change Map Type.

To Add a New Level Map to the Database:

  1. With the New Map screen displayed, either accept the default name (or edit it) or create a new name. This field is always editable.
  2. Select a Map type, or select [<none>] to define your own face selection using the Map faces options. At least one face must be selected.

    Note: map types are listed based on the contents of your configuration file. This configuration determines which type of map (face or level) is represented, and the New Map screen updates automatically to show only fields relevant to each map type.

  3. If a level map type is chosen, decide if you want the extents of your map to be set automatically according to imported survey data, or you want to set them yourself now:
    • If Auto-calculate Bounds is checked, only the reference elevation (Reference Z) can be set, as the X and Y bounds fields become unavailable.
    • If Auto-calculate Bounds is unchecked, specify the following values:
      • X Min—the world coordinate of the minimum X location of your map.
      • X Max—the world coordinate of the maximum X location of your map.
      • Y Min—the world coordinate of the minimum Y location of your map.
      • Y Max—the world coordinate of the maximum Y location of your map.
      • Reference Z—the reference elevation of the level map.

      These values determine the outermost extents of your level map in world coordinates and its reference level. Typically, you would manually define your level map extents if a level block definition exists from planning, and the level maps need to fill it over time.

    Note: set the section's Reference Z to a value that is close the average level value of the survey data to be imported in the next step of the process. Having a big difference between the average data level and the section elevation may cause unexpected display behaviour.

    Tip: change a level maps reference elevation after his been created using the Map Properties screen

  4. Click OK to create a new level map and dismiss the New Map screen.

    The new (and associated data) is added to the current database when the project is next saved (until then, no physical files are created).

    The Survey task screen displays for the import of landmark survey data.

  5. Digitize map features using the Mapping Task Bar.

    Note: data is digitized in world coordinates. Georeferencing is unnecessary when creating a level map.

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